What Does 420 Friendly Mean?
Let’s first pay respect to the the great state of California where legends and folklore are born.
420 friendly is used to reference open minded, liberal, free thinking cannabis friendly people. Historically is was a secret code but it is certainly no longer a secret. You are searching for the answer now yourself.
The Origin of 420
According to High Times Magazine, the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School in 1971 by an esteemed group of individuals know as the Waldos who would meet up at 4:20 to burn weed daily. Rather to announce they were going to smoke, they used the code 420.
Over time, the meaning of use of 420 Friendly as spread. It has became a way for restaurants and businesses to let customers know that they were “420 friendly.” April 20th is now known around the world as the day to celebrate all things Hemp.
Today, 420 references Hemp & Cannabis all over social media, games, music, and websites that teens are using every day. Children are being exposed to the plant at a much younger age. Parents must educate them and take responsibility at home.
However you choose to celebrate this year, be safe .